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Statement of Congratulations from the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch

September 14, 2023
Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to congratulate the newly crowned 2024 Crow Fair Royalty on their selection to represent their districts and the Crow Tribe:
Miss Crow Nation- Michaiah Pease
Miss Teen- Azalea Dust
Miss Junior- Caison Cummins
Miss Tiny Tot- Kaycee Costa
BlackLodge District – Marley Hugs
Pryor District – Jaycee Killsprettyenemy,
River Crow District – Lacey Old Coyote
Center Lodge- Khloe Cummins
Lodge Grass- Bryce Three Irons
No Water Karis Bright Wings Pease
Big Horn- Savaya Alden
Wyola- Embery Crooked Arm
Off Reservation- Siclly Glenn
The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch is rooting for your success in the upcoming year, knowing you will represent the Crow Tribe in a positive manner. The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would also like to congratulate the 2024 Crow Fair General Manager, Brinna Melendrez, on running a successful Crow Fair Pageant.

Statement of Condolence

September 06, 2023

Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to express condolences and messages of comfort to those who have recently lost a loved one. Speaker DeCrane and Secretary Takes Enemy’s statement of comfort:

Big Horn District Name Change

August 30, 2023
During the August 29, 2023 Special Session, Big Horn District Senators, Takes Enemy, Alden, Jr. and Plainfeather sponsored L.R. 23-07 titled, “A Resolution of the Crow Tribal Legislature to Adopt a Branch Policy Formally Recognizing the Historically and Culturally Correct Title of the Big Horn District.” L.R. 23-07 passed by a vote of 14-0-0. The Big Horn District Representatives’ statement:
“We are happy to announce the official name change for the Big Horn District. Prior to L.R 23-07’s passing, the Big Horn District was referred to as the, “Valley of the Giveaway” and from now on, will only be referred to as the, “Big Horn District.” This is consistent with the wishes of Big Metal, the chief of the Big Horn Sheep, and with who we are, as a district. The Big Horn District has something to be proud of today.”
Please join the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch in congratulating the Big Horn District on this historic achievement.

Tour of Senior Living Facility

August 30, 2023
Yesterday, August 29, 2023, Infrastructure Committee Chair, Sen. Good Luck, along with Secretary Takes Enemy and Sen. Meeks, were granted the opportunity to tour the Senior Citizens Living Center to see the work the Apsaalooke Nation Housing Authority is doing in bringing senior living to the Crow Reservation.
Along, with the tour, J.A.R 23-02 titled: “A Joint Action Resolution of Crow Tribal Government Approving Submission of a Fiscal Year 2024 Indian Housing Block Grant application and Indian Housing Plan Block Grant Application and Indian Housing Plan, on Behalf of the Apsaalooke Nation Housing Authority a Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE) Pursuant to Crow Tribal Housing Ordinance CLB 17-03″ was passed by a 14-0-0 vote during the August 29, 2023 Special Session. J.A.R 23-02 now heads to Chairman White Clay’s desk for final approval. The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to commend the ANHA staff for all of their work and for working to bring quality housing to the Crow Reservation. For photos from the tour, click here.

Special Session: August 29, 2023 at 1:00 PM

August 25, 2023

Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to inform the Crow people of a special session on August 29, 2023. The special session will commence at 1:00 PM and will be held at the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch Chambers. For more information, please visit our website at, www.ctlb.org, our social media platforms, or give us a call at (406) 638-2023.

Pryor, Big Horn and Reno District School Supplies Giveaway

August 24, 2023
Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to wish everyone starting school, a happy school year! The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch wishes nothing but the best to all children and staff for this school year!
Yesterday, August 23, 2023, the Pryor, Big Horn and Reno Districts held a school supplies giveaway in their respective districts and gave away to their constituencies. Supplies included, a folder, two notebooks, markers, crayons, glue sticks, pencils and hand sanitizer. The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to thank Sara Wecker and Essential Eats Distributors for their generous gifts to the school children of the Pryor, Big Horn and Reno districts. For photos of the supplies giveaway, click here. 

Crow Fair August 17 – 21, 2023

August 11, 2023

Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to with the Crow People a safe and happy Crow Fair! The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch hopes that this Crow Fair will be spent with families joining together and enjoying all that Crow Fair has to offer, such as the rodeo, powwow, parade and more. Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch hope that the Crow new year brings nothing but good to you and your families.

Special Session Scheduled for August, 09, 2023 at 1:00 PM

August 08, 2023

Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to inform the Crow people of a special session on August 09, 2023. The special session will commence at 1:00 PM and will be held at the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch Chambers. For more information, please visit our website at, www.ctlb.org, our social media platforms, or give us a call at (406) 638-2023.

Speaker DeCrane and Senator Kills Pretty Enemy Pass the Crow Bar Exam

August 03, 2023

Secretary Takes Enemy and the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to congratulate the Speaker of the House, Sen. DeCrane and Sen. Kills Pretty Enemy on their passing of the Crow Bar Exam! Both senators were privately sworn in by the Chief Judge, Judge Left Hand today. Speaker DeCrane and Senator Kills Pretty Enemy will now be able to represent as advocates in the Crow Tribal court. For more photos of the swearing in ceremony, please visit our social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) or click here.

Crow Tribe General Council Meeting canceled

August 01, 2023

Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to remind the Crow people of the upcoming Crow Tribe General Council Meeting. This General Council Meeting will take place at the new Crow Fair arbor on August 05, 2023 at 11:00 AM. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Secretary Black Eagle’s office, our website, or call the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch at (406) 638-2023.

What happened at Crow Tribe Legislature on the week of July 24, 2023?

July 31, 2023

During the week of July 24, 2023 the Crow Tribal Legislature held several committee meetings. On Wednesday July 26, 2023, The finance committee met to discuss the up coming fiscal year and the work that needs to be done to come to an agreement on a commonsense budget that will not only benefit all branches of the government, but the Crow people as well. On Thursday, July 27, 2023, The Crow Tribal Legislature received reports from Mr. Scott Sypolt of Tribal Roots and Mr. Andrew Treble of Canadian Hydro. These potential projects would benefit the Crow tribe in both the cannabis and renewable energy industries. These potential projects will have long lasting and positive impacts on Crow people by providing the Crow people with quality services and more. On Friday July 28, 2023, the Health and Human Services Committee met with individuals expressing their concerns with the upcoming elections to the Little Big Horn College Board and Trustees. After, the Health and Human Services Committee Chair, Senator Dean Don’t Mix of the Valley of the Chiefs District, announced his registration as Committee Chair and thanked the Committee for their support. With Senator Dean Don’t Mix’s registration, Secretary Takes Enemy, having served as the vice-chair of the Health ad Human Services Committee, will serve as the interim chair of the Health and Human Services Committee. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch on our website, www.ctlb.org, our social media platforms on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram or call the office at (406) 638-2023. For photos and or videos please click here.

2023 July Quarterly Session Week Two

July 25, 2023

In the second week of the 2023 July Quarterly Session, The Crow Tribal Legislature participated in the flag raising ceremony for the Mighty Few District and heard stories from Mr. Levi Yellowmule and others. The Crow Tribal Legislature also received reports from the ANHA Housing Board of Commissioners, Ms. Sami Walking Bear and Western Native Voice, The Big Horn County Sheriff, Sheriff King and the Big Horn County Attorney, the Honorable Jeanne Torske. On Wednesday July 19, 2023, the Crow Tribal Legislature voted on LR 23-05,  reconfirming Mr. Melvin Ware and Ms. Leslie Kabotie to be members of the Housing Board of Commissioners. The Crow Tribal Legislature also received reports from the Crow Tribe Executive Branch officials, Secretary Black Eagle and Vice Secretary Whiteman and the Judicial Branch Chief Judge, the Honorable Myra Left Hand and Associate Judge Yarlott. The BIA superintendent and members of various departments also reported along with the Crow Tribe Executive Branch CEO, Ms. Rachel Pretty On Top. For more information or photos from the July Quarterly session, please click here.

2023 July Quarterly Session Week Two Attendance Record

July 25, 2023

2023 July Quarterly Session Week One

July 13, 2023

In the first week of the 2023 July Quarterly Session, The Crow Tribe Legislature received reports from the Crow Tribe Health Department, the Crow Tribe Land Management Office and the Crow Tribe Historical Preservation Office (CTHPO). Speaker Decrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch are pleased and excited about the work they are doing to move their departments forward, while keeping the interests of the Crow Tribe in mind. Speaker Decrane and Secretary Takes Enemy thank them for their leadership and work to pursue a better Crow community. Pictures from these reports and the first week can be found here.

2023 July Quarterly Session Week One Attendance Record

July 11, 2023

Attendance Record for week one of the 2023 July Quarterly Session. For more information regarding the attendance record or the quarterly session, please contact your district representative or contact the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or call the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch at (406) 638-2023.

The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch is on Twitter and Instagram!

July 11, 2023

The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch is now on Twitter and Instagram. Please give us a follow on twitter: @CrowTribeLB or on Instagram: @crowtribelegislativebranch.

2023 July Quarterly Session

June 30, 2023

Speaker DeCrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to inform the Crow people of the upcoming 2023 July Quarterly Session. The July session will commence on July 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM and will be held through July 21, 2023. The agenda for the session will include the following:

  • A Joint Action Resolution of the Crow Tribal Government Approving the Northwestern Energy Rights-Of-Way Renewals
  • Other Business
  • Old Business

2023 Crow Native Days Parade

June 26, 2023

Several members of the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch had the opportunity to participate in the 2023 Crow Native Days Parade. The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to commend those who participated and those who placed. The parade was a display of the world class beadwork done by the Crow people and the great horsemanship that the Crow people are known for. We want to thank Brinna Melendrez for the great pictures she captured and for the great job she did for the 2023 Crow Native Days parade. If you would like to see photos from the parade, the photos are located here.

Crow Fair Arbor Grand Opening

June 20, 2023
Yesterday, Speaker Decrane and Secretary Takes Enemy, along with several members of the Legislative Branch, had the opportunity to partake in the Grand Opening of the newly built Crow Fair arbor. The Speaker and Secretary want to thank those who were involved from the design to the construction of the arbor. Speaker Decrane and Secretary Takes Enemy’s statement below:
“The Crow people have something to be proud of today. The newly built arbor is a state of the art facility and we cannot thank those involved enough. The new arbor is a commitment from the Crow Tribe government to you, the Crow people.”
The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to thank those who were involved in the planning, design and construction of the building. The photos from the grand opening can be found here.

BIA Forestry Department

June 12, 2023
Speaker Decrane, Secretary Takes Enemy and the entire Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to inform the public about the work the BIA Forestry department is conducting before the arrival of extreme summer temperatures.
The BIA Forestry Department is assisting homeowners on the reservation with the management of tall grass and weeds outside the perimeters of their homes. The owner is therefore responsible for their own yard directly around their home. The BIA Forestry Department’s goal is to prevent grass fires, loss of homes to fire, and to rid properties of any hazards that may cause a fire. They are currently working in Crow Agency and will be working around the reservation as time goes on.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the department at (406) 638-2247.

Center Lodge District Meeting

June 07, 2023

The Center Lodge District would like to inform Center Lodge District Members that a district meeting will be held Thursday June 15, 2023, at the Reno District Hall at 6:00 PM. The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:

  • General Update
  • Arbor Project
  • Native Days
  • Plenty Doors Update
  • Chance to hear constituent concerns prior to the commencement of the July Quarterly Session

If you have any questions regarding the district meeting, please contact your district representatives, visit our website at www.ctlb.org or call the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch at (406) 638-2023/25.

Big Horn District Meeting

June 06, 2023

The Big Horn District delegation would like to inform district members that a district meeting will be held, Monday June 12, 2023, at the Big Horn District Hall at 6:00 PM. The agenda for the meeting will be as follows.

  • General Update
  • Chance to hear constituent concerns before the commencement of the July Quarterly Session.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact your district representatives, visit our website at www.ctlb.org or call the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch at (406) 638-2023/25.

Arrow Creek District Meeting

June 05, 2023

The Arrow Creek District delegation would like to inform Arrow Creek District members that a district meeting will be held, Thursday June 08, 2023, at Plenty Coups State Park at 5:30 PM. The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:

  • Fish and Game Commission update
  • Northwestern Energy Rights of Way Renewal update
  • Chance to hear constituent concerns prior to the commencement of the July Quarterly Session

Valley of the Chiefs District Meeting Cancelled

June 05, 2023

Attention all Valley of the Chiefs District Members, the Valley of the Chiefs district delegation is sad to announce the cancellation of tonight’s district meeting. Another meeting will be rescheduled and the dates will be announced in the coming days. If you have any questions regarding the cancellation, please contact your district representatives, visit our website at www.ctlb.org or call the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch.

Position Announcement

June 02, 2023

Speaker Decrane and Secretary Takes Enemy would like announce the opening of the AP Clerk/Travel Specialist position. Applications can be picked up at the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch or on our website: www.ctlb.org. Applications are due June 14, 2023 at 4:00 PM. Please find Application for Employment here. 

Grand Opening

May 09, 2023
The Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to congratulate Tana Cummins, owner of Tipi Creek Coffee, and Charlene Johnson, Chief Executive of Plenty Doors on their Grand Opening! Their work in revitalizing the old Crow Mercantile is an important step for many in creating Crow owned businesses not only here in Crow Agency, but in other towns and districts here on the Reservation.
During the April Quarterly Session, Sen. Alden, Chair of the Economic Development committee, and other committee members were granted the opportunity to tour the newly renovated Plenty Doors headquarters and were briefed on the work they are doing to bring opportunities to the Crow people. We here at the Crow Tribe Legislative Branch would like to thank and congratulate Plenty Doors and Tipi Creek coffee for their work and for the opportunities they are creating for so many Crow people.
Speaker Decrane and Secretary Takes Enemy encourage the Crow people to attend this great event and see the work these two individuals have done. Sami Walking Bear with Western Native Voice also has a booth and the Speaker and Secretary encourage you to visit her to register to vote and hear about the importance of voting.


April 14, 2023

2023 April Regular Session Attendance 4/11/23

April 11, 2023


March 03, 2023


January 19, 2023