144 Makawasha
Crow Agency, MT 59022
P.O. Box 309
Crow Agency, MT 59022
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Historical Documents


1825 Friendship Treaty

1851 Fort Laramie Treaty

1868 Fort Laramie Treaty

Crow Act of 1920


Crow Judicial Canons

Judicial Ethics Board

Judicial Ethics Board Petition

Crow Tribal Court Rules of Professional Conduct



107th Settlement Agreement

1967 MOA Between Crow Tribe and National Park Service

1996 Mutual Agreement Between USDA and Crow Tribe

Rules for Hearings in Election Challenges-Election Commission

Law Enforcement MOU with the BIA-CrowTribe

MOU with USDA Concerning TERO


1998 Class III Gaming Compact with Amendments

2000 Cooperative Conservation Agreement Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout

Compact Crow Tribe and Office of the Montana Secretary of State for Joint Filing System

Crow Tribe and Montana Fuel Tax Cooperative Agreement

Crow Tribe and Montana Tobacco Tax Agreement

Crow Tribe – Montana Water Compact as Amended

Crow Tribe-Montana Water Compact Escrow Agreement

Crow Tribal Resolutions

(prior to the establishment of the Crow Legislative Branch and 2001 Crow Tribal Constitution)

Res 76-32 -to Reconsider Memorandum of Agreement between National Park Service and Crow Tribe

Res 90-34 -Rescinding Resolution No 76-02 and Programming all Unencumbered Recurring Tribal Income for the Purpose of Per Capita Payments

Res 90-44 -Relating to the Permitting of Grazing Privileges on Range Units on the Crow Reservation

Regarding Enrollment:

1953 Enrollment Ordinance

Res. 77-04 Amendment of the 1953 Ordinance Governing Enrollment in the Crow Tribe of Indians of Montana

Res 99-23 Amend the Enrollment Ordinance of the Crow Tribe to Provide Guidance and Authority for the Enrollment Applications from Individuals

Res 99-63 Rescinding Resolution 99-23 Pertaining to the Crow Tribal Membership Enrollment and Adopting the Following Enrollment Ordinance

Res 2000-43 Pertaining to the Existing Crow Enrollment Law and for Other Purposes