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Legislation Types

About Legislation

All Bills, Acts, Resolutions and Joint Action Resolutions within the meaning of Article V, Section 8 of the Constitution, but does not include Legislative Resolutions which only govern the conduct of the Legislature.

Bills (CLB):

A bill for an act, also known as a Crow Legislative Bill (“CLB”), is legislation which seeks to establish Crow tribal statutory law.  A CLB is typically intended to be codified in the Crow Law and Order Code

Joint Action Resolutions (JAR):

Joint Action Resolutions are authorized when the Crow Tribal Constitution requires approval by the Legislature of actions proposed by the Executive Branch pertinent to the sale, disposition, lease or encumbrance of Tribal lands, interests in lands or mineral assets; to approve or disapprove an annual budget prepared by the Executive Branch; and to approve or disapprove limited waivers of sovereign immunity by the Executive Branch of Government when waivers are necessary for business purposes.  In addition, a JAR is authorized when it is in the best interest of the Apsaalooke (Crow) Nation for the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch to act jointly on a matter which is not an amendment or addition of statutory general law which must be included in the Crow Law and Order Code.

Legislative Resolutions (LR):

The policy of the Legislature shall be that legislative resolutions are an expression of the voice of the elected Senators of the Crow Legislature, and which is based on the inherent sovereign tribal authority of the Crow Tribal General Council, as delegated to the Legislature under the 2001 Constitution and which shall be categorized as follows:

  1. Final Approval or Authorization Resolutions. Resolutions for final approval of an Executive Branch proposal or for the authorization of tribal action in accordance with the 2001 Crow Constitution and other applicable Crow tribal law or federal law.
  2. Legislative Branch Policy-Making Resolutions. Resolutions for Legislative Branch rule-making and for the establishment of internal Legislative Branch policies.
  3. Ethics Rule-Making Resolutions. Resolutions for enacting or revising a Crow Tribal code of ethics pertaining to the Executive and Legislative Branches in accordance with Article VIII, Section 1 and Section 2, of the 2001 Crow Constitution.
  4. Confirmation Resolutions. Resolutions providing for the confirmation of tribal officers or judges, in accordance with established tribal law and legislative procedure.
  5. Recommendation Resolutions. Resolutions for making recommendations, statements of support, or endorsements in any public election, the hiring of any public official, or the establishment of governmental policy by law or otherwise, including federal and state legislation, which may affect the Crow Tribe and its members.
  6. Recognition and Acknowledgment Resolutions. Resolutions officially recognizing or supporting programs, actions, or deeds of significance to the positive spirit of the Apsaalooke Nation and its social community.
  7. Exclusion Resolutions. Resolutions for the exclusion of non-members from the Crow Reservation in accordance with Article V, Section 2 (a) of the 2001 Constitution.

Disciplinary Resolutions.

Resolutions providing for legislative reprimand, contempt of the Legislature, or other disciplinary action.